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antifascism, Matthew N Lyons, Three Way Fight -

[This article is mirrored from, where it was posted on March 2, 2025.] By Matthew N. Lyons I anticipated a drive toward dictatorship, but I didn’t anticipate DOGE. When Donald Trump was reelected president, I (like many other people) knew he would make a grab for power beyond anything in his first term. I’ve traced Trump’s increasingly intimate relationship with far right politics, from his mutually beneficial arrangement with the alt-right in 2016 to his efforts in 2024 to remake the Republican Party itself as his personal vehicle. Like many other critics, I noted that the erosion of structural...

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analysis, anti-imperialism, lebanon, Matthew N Lyons, middle east, palestine, Three Way Fight -

Β [This article was originally posted on on October 8, 2024.] Israeli airstrike on Tyre, Lebanon, 25 September 2024. by Matthew N. Lyons The last time Israel launched a ground invasion of Lebanon, in 2006, I argued on Three Way Fight (here, here, and here) that US leftists should support Hezbollah against Israeli aggression, despite the fact that it was a right-wing movement with ultimately theocratic goals. This pissed off a lot of leftists. Some people said we should reject both Israel and Hezbollah equally, but the stronger disagreement came from leftists who declared it was wrong to characterize Hezbollah...

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antifascism, new book, Three Way Fight -

Mirrored from the Three Way Fight blog. We are publishing a book! Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism is forthcoming from PM Press and Kersplebedeb Publishing in May 2024. The book is edited by Xtn Alexander and Matthew N. Lyons, with a foreword by Janeen Porter and an afterword by Michael Staudenmaier. Here’s the description from the publishers’ websites: What’s the relationship between combating the far right and working for systemic change? What does it mean when fascists intensify racial oppression and patriarchy but also call for the downfall of economic elites or even take up arms against the...

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antifascism, Three Way Fight, trans liberation -

[Originally posted to the ThreeWayFight on June 3, 2023.] 3WF: Trans and other gender-nonconforming people have become a major target of right-wing political attacks in recent years, and they continue to be major targets of systemic oppression and physical violence in U.S. society. How do you apply a three way fight framework to help us understand the contending forces in this situation? Rowan: It feels important to start this out by speaking to the seriousness and urgency of this moment. Transgender people I know (particularly trans women) are panicking. Trans people are fleeing Republican-controlled states, and even trans women in...

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antifa, ara, book review, Three Way Fight, We Go Where They Go -

[Originally posted to the ThreeWayFight blog.] Kdog reviews the new book, We Go Where They Go: the Story of Anti-Racist Action Β  I spent a good part of my teens and twenties building ARA... It was my university... its rewarding to have the history treated as something significant, even crucial. More than giving props to the OG antifas thoβ€”what's really meaningful is that this book will help a new generation, confronting new forms of the fascist threat, find inspiration and lessons in both our successes and failures. In February I read the excellent new book We Go Where They Go:...

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