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Prisoners' Justice Day Vigil August 10th, 2024 Parc Vinet, Metro Lionel-Groulx 2-5 pm Every August 10th, prisoners participate in Prisoners’ Justice Day (PJD) by fasting and refusing to work for the day. The practice dates back to 1975 when imprisoned people at Millhaven Penitentiary, located outside Kingston, Ontario, organized a day-long hunger strike, work stoppage, and memorial service to honour two prisoners who had died in solitary confinement. This year is the 50th anniversary of the death of one of those prisonersβ€”Edward Nalon. On August 10th,1974, Eddie bled to death while in solitary confinement at Millhaven. According to, "Eddie...

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Kevin Rashid Johnson, political prisoners, prisoners -

On Tuesday, December 26, 2023, several prisoners confined at Virginia’s Red Onion State Prison began a hunger strike to protest the continued use of long-term solitary confinement within the institution.Despite critical concern, outcry from the public and prisoner populations in the state, incarcerated people are still subjected to this brutal practice which has been renamed β€œrestorative housing” since July 1, 2023 when measures were passed to limit its use in the state.Β Β  Leading these prisoners in this effort is longtime prison activist, revolutionary writer and artist, Kevin β€œRashid” Johnson. Rashid has stated that no one will take any food at...

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