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antifascism, Matthew N Lyons, technology, Three Way Fight, united states -

Youtube video description:  CPE is hosting a three-part series on tech capital and the administrative coup of the US government.  Hostile Takeover: Tech Capital and the Coup of the US Government will feature a series of conversations among subject matter experts, strategists, and organizers trying to make sense of how and why the forces of capitalβ€”led by billionaire tech baronsβ€”are so determined to seize the administrative state and what its evisceration means for working-class communities in the near and long-term.  In our second conversation in the series, Part 2: Endgames and Ideologies, we’ll identify the roots of far right ideologies...

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antizionism, palestine, repression -

Donate to the Toronto Community Justice Fund

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antifascism, Matthew N Lyons, Three Way Fight, Xtn Alexander -

Protestors in Minneapolis protesting against Trump in January 2017 (Credit: Fibonacci Blue/ Ben Lorber March 11, 2025 This interview was conducted in September 2024 and updated in January 2025. [It is mirrored from] PRA sat down to talk with activists Xtn Alexander and Matthew N. Lyons about their book, Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism (2024, PM Press). Three Way Fight is a compilation of over thirty essays, statements, and interviews spanning the last several decades of antifascist organizing, partly drawn from the longstanding movement blog of the same name. The term β€œthree way fight” describes an approach to movement...

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antifascism, Matthew N Lyons, Three Way Fight -

[This article is mirrored from, where it was posted on March 2, 2025.] By Matthew N. Lyons I anticipated a drive toward dictatorship, but I didn’t anticipate DOGE. When Donald Trump was reelected president, I (like many other people) knew he would make a grab for power beyond anything in his first term. I’ve traced Trump’s increasingly intimate relationship with far right politics, from his mutually beneficial arrangement with the alt-right in 2016 to his efforts in 2024 to remake the Republican Party itself as his personal vehicle. Like many other critics, I noted that the erosion of structural...

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Keith LaMar, political prisoners, prisoners -

Keith LaMar, a wrongfully-convicted Black man in The United States, teams up with world-renowned artist Molly Crabapple to share the story of how he was framed and sentenced to death following the Lucasville Prison Uprising at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in 1993. Keith has been fighting for his liberation from solitary confinement, where he has been held for over 30 years! Scheduled to be executed on January 13, 2027. Keith and his supporters intend to stop Ohio officials. A message from Keith LaMar on January 13, 2025: With today marking two years until my proposed execution date, as time...

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