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anti-imperialism, event, montreal -

From the Bandung of the North website (français suit en bas): The Bandung Conference of the North continues in the spirit of Bandung 1955, the first intercontinental conference of non-white peoples in human history. In the context of the Cold War, when the world was polarized between the Soviet and Western blocs, a group of newly sovereign states of the "South" organized themselves politically to accelerate the process of independence for those states still under colonial rule. It was in the small town of Bandung, on the Indonesian island of Java, that this first international conference was held from April...

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anarchism, event -

Kersplebedeb is excited to be heading back to the lovely Halifax Bookfair in a couple weeks! 7th Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair Saturday, August 31, 10am–6pm(Rain date: September 1st)Location: Old Spring Garden Library Free! Childcare and food on site!Welcome to all those interested in anarchy! The face of coercive domination constantly shapeshifts, though at its core we know the foundation remains unchanged: capitalism, colonialism and centralized power. Action is demanded urgently and the immensity of the breadth of injustices can be mind-boggling: ongoing genocides, the housing crisis, the steady rise of fascism, the ever-present simmering of the environmental and climate crisis,...

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event, montreal -

Saturday, August 17 11am – 5pmBΓ’timent 7 (1900 rue Le Ber) Free Entry! Everyone Welcome! Wheelchair accessible (no step) Event will take place outside, weather permitting, otherwise in the new Archives RΓ©volutionnaires space Come browse some fine radical literature from a number of Montreal radical publishers and literature projects! queer, feminist, anti-colonial...anti-imperialist, marxist, anarchist...fiction, history, theory... Something for everyone! Facebook event

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event, montreal, prisoners -

Prisoners' Justice Day Vigil August 10th, 2024 Parc Vinet, Metro Lionel-Groulx 2-5 pm Every August 10th, prisoners participate in Prisoners’ Justice Day (PJD) by fasting and refusing to work for the day. The practice dates back to 1975 when imprisoned people at Millhaven Penitentiary, located outside Kingston, Ontario, organized a day-long hunger strike, work stoppage, and memorial service to honour two prisoners who had died in solitary confinement. This year is the 50th anniversary of the death of one of those prisonersβ€”Edward Nalon. On August 10th,1974, Eddie bled to death while in solitary confinement at Millhaven. According to prisonjustice.ca, "Eddie...

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antifascism, event, south asia -

* Version française ci-dessous.* Traduction chuchotée disponible lors de l'évènement. August 15th 2024 6:30pm EDTJ.A. DèSeve Cinema, Concordia University J.W. McConnell Building (Library building)LB-125, 1400 De Maisonneuve OuestMontreal (Tiohtiake) Facebook event With speakers: * Afreen Fatima* Fahad Ahmad* Mayur* Teesta Setalvad (Bios below) After ten years of a Hindu Supremacist government in power in India, the ruling fascist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) finally lost their outright majority when 640 million people went to the polls earlier this year. They lost a whopping 63 seats, dropping down to 240 out of 543. Despite these uplifting electoral results, the BJP remains at...

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