Post-Anarchism: A Reader

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    Sureyyya Evren, Duane Rouselle

    Publisher: Fernwood

    Year: 2011

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 280 pages

    ISBN: 9780745330860

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Post-anarchism has been of considerable importance in the discussions of radical intellectuals across the globe in the last decade. In its most popular form, it demonstrates a desire to blend the most promising aspects of traditional anarchist theory with developments in post-structuralist and post-modernist thought. Post-Anarchism: A Reader includes the most comprehensive collection of essays about this emergent body of thought, making it an essential and accessible resource for academics, intellectuals, activists and anarchists interested in radical philosophy. Many of the chapters have been formative to the development of a distinctly “post-anarchist” approach to politics, aesthetics and philosophy. Others respond to the so-called “post-anarchist turn” with caution and scepticism. The book also includes original contributions from several of today’s “post-anarchists,” inviting further debate and new ways of conceiving post-anarchism across a number of disciplines.

About the Editors

Süreyyya Evren writes on contemporary art, literature and radical politics. He has published several books in Turkish and several articles in English, German, French and Czech. He is the editor-in-chief and founder of the post-anarchist magazine Siyahi.

Duane Rousselle is a graduate student at Trent University. He is the founder and editor of the journal Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies and a librarian for the Anarchist Library project. He has published in the International Journal of Zizek Studies.

What People Are Saying
Table of Contents

Preface (Duane Rousselle)
Introduction (Süreyyya Evren)
Part 1: When Anarchism Met Post-structuralism
Post-structuralism and the Epistemological Basis of Anarchism (Andrew Koch)
Is Post-structuralist Political Theory Anarchist? (Todd May)
Post-anarchism and Radical Politics Today (Saul Newman)
Post-anarchism Anarchy (Hakim Bey)
Part 2: Post-anarchism Hits the Streets
Empowering Anarchy: Power, Hegemony, and Anarchist Strategy (Tadzio Mueller)
Hegemony, Affinity, and the Newest Social Movements at the End of the 00s (Richard J. F. Day)
The Constellation of Opposition (Jason Adams)
Acracy_Reloaded@post1968/1989: Reflections on Post-modern Revolutions (Antón Fernendez de Rota)
Part 3: Classical Anarchism Reloaded
Things to Do with Post-structuralism in a Life of Anarchy: Relocating the Outpost of Post-anarchism (Sandra Jeppesen)
Anarchy, Power and Post-structuralism (Allan Antliff)
Post-anarchism: A Partial Account (Benjamin Franks)
Part 4: Lines of Flight
Buffy the Post-anarchist Vampire Slayer (Lewis Call)
Sexuality as State-Form (Jamie Heckert)
When Theories Meet: Emma Goldman and ‘Post-anarchism’ (Hilton Bertalan)
Reconsidering Post-structuralism and Anarchism (Nathan Jun)
Imperfect Necessity and the Mechanical Continuation of Everyday Life: A Post-anarchist Politics of Technology (Michael Truscello)

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