Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison

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    Kathy Kelly

    Publisher: AK Press

    Year: 2005

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 194 pages

    ISBN: 9781904859284

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Written by a human rights activist, this extraordinary narrative gives voice to the cries of people afflicted by military and economic warfare.

In the spring of 2004, human rights activist Kathy Kelly, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was sent to Pekin Federal Prison for leading a protest at the School of the Americas. While in prison, Kelly’s organization, Voices in the Wilderness, was targeted by a US State Department lawsuit charging that Kelly violated US-imposed sanctions when she took humanitarian aid to Iraq during numerous visits over the last five years.

In this fiercely eloquent book, Kelly recounts such trips to Iraq, tells the largely unknown story of the School of the Americas and describes daily life inside a federal prison, where America’s poor are warehoused. Like Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, Kelly’s powerful narrative gives voice to the unheard millions suffering at home and abroad.

Tags: AK Press ....... anti-imperialism ....... anti-war ....... Kathy Kelly ....... Middle East and North Africa ....... political prisoners ....... Prisoners & Prisons ....... united states .......