Hip Hop's Hostile Gospel: A Post-Soul Theological Exploration

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    Daniel White Hodge

    Publisher: Haymarket Books

    Year: 2017

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 250 pages

    ISBN: 9781608468454

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Hip Hop's Hostile Gospel is a wide-ranging and highly enjoyable attempt to unearth the theology of Hip Hop

Is there such a thing as a Hip Hop ‘theology’? Drawing on interviews from those in the Hip Hop community, and a critical engagement with the theological and ecclesiological ruminations of over 8,500 songs, Hodge aims to paint a picture of what a Hip Hop theology of community might entail, how it may look, and what it could feel like.

Tags: cultural studies ....... Daniel White Hodge ....... Haymarket Books ....... Music ....... religion .......