Essays from the Minister of Defense

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    Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing


    Format: saddle-stitched pamphlet

    Size: 23 pages


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A series of short texts by the founder of the Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton, most of which appeared in his column "In Defense of Self-Defense" in the BPP newspaper The Black Panther in 1967. Also included, "Executive Mandate No.1" (May 2, 1967) and "Executive Mandate No. 3" (March 1m, 1968). Please note this is a bootleg of a pamphlet that has been circulating in the North American far left for decades now—who exactly put it together originally is unclear.

Book Details

Author: Huey P. Newton
Format: saddle-stitched pamphlet
Size: 23 pages
Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing

Tags: Black Liberation ....... Huey P. Newton ....... Kersplebedeb Publishing ....... saddle-stitched pamphlet .......