Endless War?: Hidden Functions of the "War on Terror"

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    David Keen

    Publisher: Pluto Books

    Year: 2006

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 296 pages

    ISBN: 9780745324173

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Was the Iraq war really an act of goodwill to liberate people from injustice? Or was it a strategic move to maintain US dominance globally? Endless War? casts a critical light on the real motives behind war and conflict. David Keen explores how winning war is rarely an end in itself; rather, war tends to be part of a wider political and economic game that is consistent with strengthening the enemy. Keen devises a radical framework for analysing an unending war project, where the "war on terror" is an extension of the Cold War. The book draws on the author's detailed study of wars in Sudan, Sierra Leone, as well as in a range of other conflicts. It provides a new approach to conflict analysis that will be of use to students across development studies and the social sciences.

About the Author

David Keen is Reader in Complex Emergencies at the Institute of Development Studies at the London School of Economics. He has written a number of books on conflicts, famines and civil wars, including Endless War?: Hidden Functions of the 'War on Terror' (Pluto, 2006). In recent years, he has conducted extensive fieldwork in Sudan, Sierra Leone and Iraq.

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