Cycling to Asylum: A Novel

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    Su J. Sokol

    Publisher: Deux Voiliers Publishing

    Year: 2014

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 336 pages

    ISBN: 9781928049036

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In a near-future New York subject to an increasingly authoritarian and hostile government, Laek, a non-conformist history teacher, finds that he can no longer hide his radical past. After a brutal confrontation with the NYPD, he flees the United States with Janie, an activist lawyer, and their two kids, Siri and Simon. They cross the border by bicycle into Quebec by posing as eco-tourists. In a Montreal that the future has also transformed, the family faces new challenges: convincing the authorities to grant them refugee status and integrating into Quebec society. Will they find safety in their new home? Told from the points of view of the four family members, Cycling to Asylum is a unique work of interstitial fiction from Su J. Sokol, an exciting new Montreal author."

Tags: Deux Voiliers Publishing ....... fiction ....... quebec ....... Speculative Fiction ....... Su J. Sokol ....... united states .......