Anti-Fascist Forum #2: The State of Anti-Fascism in North America

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    Publisher: Anti-Fascist Forum



    Size: 26 pages


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Published between 1996 and 1999, Anti-Fascist Forum was a Canadian magazine providing important analysis and research on the far-right from a revolutionary anti-capitalist perspective.

This issue includes three main articles:

  • Case Closed? Fascist Networks & The Oklahoma City Bombing, by Tom Burghardt
  • Cops & LAM Go Hand in Hand—A Critical View of the World Anti-Fascist League, by Eric Cartman
  • The Anti-Fascist Militia—Premature Anti-Fascists? by Anti-Fascist Forum

Book Details

Format: Magazine
Size: 26 pages
Publisher: Anti-Fascist Forum
Year: 1997

Tags: Anti-Fascist Forum ....... antifascism ....... canada .......