The Politics of the Precariat: From Populism to Lulista Hegemony

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    Ruy Braga

    Publisher: Haymarket Books

    Year: 2019

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 292 pages

    ISBN: 9781642590555

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An innovative reading of the social history of Brazil using the "politics of the precariat" as an analytical vector.

Making use of the theoretical tools of Marxist critical sociology, Ruy Braga proposes an innovative reading of the social history of Brazil—from Fordist populism to the Lulista hegemony—using the "politics of the precariat" as an analytical vector. Braga's analysis seeks to explain both economic and structural processes (peripheral Fordism, its crisis, the transition to financialised post-Fordism) and the subjective dimension of the proletariat suffering from precarity (the anxiety of the subordinate, the preoccupation of the worker, the plebeian or classist drive of the exploited). At the moment when the plebeian drive is once again stimulating strike activity in the country, underlined by the protests that have recently shaken Brazil, this book impels us to reflect on the limits of the current model of Brazilian development.

First published in Portuguese as A política do precariado: do populismo à hegemonia lulista by Boitempo Editorial in 2012.

Tags: anticapitalism ....... economics ....... Haymarket Books ....... latin america ....... Marxism ....... Ruy Braga .......