What is Leftwingbooks.net?

Leftwingbooks.net is an online storefront for Kersplebedeb Publishing and Distribution, a radical left-wing source of literature and agit prop materials, based in Montreal, Canada.


What is Kersplebedeb Publishing and Distribution?

Kersplebedeb Publishing and Distribution is a radical left-wing source of literature and agit prop materials, based in Montreal, Canada. We have been in business since 1998, making buttons and t-shirts, publishing pamphlets and books, and distributing titles from other left-wing publishers.


What kinds of titles does Kersplebedeb distribute?

All kinds of titles critical of capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, imperialism, and other structures of oppression. We strive to be a non-sectarian source of left-wing ideas and discussion.

What kinds of titles does Kersplebedeb publish?

Kersplebedeb publishes anti-patriarchal and anti-racist writings within an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist perspective, with a focus on writings by political prisoners and prisoners of war and the political economy of global capitalism. While it is not a hard and fast rule, titles published by Kersplebedeb would normally be either communist or anarchist or somewhere in between. 


What does the word "Kersplebedeb" mean?

It is a make believe word. We have however been told that it is the sound of a car exploding underwater, which seems appropriate.


Have you read everything that you publish?

Yes, generally a dozen times or more.


Have you read everything that you distribute?

Not by a long shot.


Do you agree with everything you sell?

Absolutely not.


Where do you ship your stuff?

Anywhere the post office will send it.


Why is postage so expensive?

Because the Canadian government is trying to run the post office into the ground, making it as unappealing as possible, in the hopes of preparing the political ground for its eventual privatization. In other words, because Canada Post is so expensive. Seriously, comrades in France can mail books to Toronto cheaper than we can from Montreal, it is very frustrating.


Can i just meet you to pick up my order?

If you're in Montreal, sure. Just email me at info@kersplebedeb.com and we will work something out. Since the pandemic began, we have been offering local delivery on the island free of charge, generally once a week.


Are you an anarchist or something like that?

Something like that.


Are you a Maoist or something like that?

Something like that.


I work at a bookstore/infoshop/library/community center, can we get a discount?

Yes, definitely. Email me at info@kersplebedeb.com and i will set up a bookseller account for you.


Are you able to communicate via secure email?

i am unsure if any kind of email is secure, and if you have something illegal to discuss, i would ask that you simply find someone else to discuss it with. Really, you should not be emailing folks you don't know personally about anything even remotely like that. On the other hand, i can appreciate that sometimes people just want the extra barrier to snoops, even though it comes with no guarantee. For you folks, yes, i do have a PGP public key: 


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