Rethinking Marxist Approaches to Transition: A Theory of Temporal Dislocation

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    Onur Acaroglu

    Publisher: Haymarket Books

    Year: 2021

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 226 pages

    ISBN: 9781642596137

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An important and innovative new approach to the Marxist conception of transitions.

In Rethinking Marxist Theories of Transition, Onur Acaroglu traces the concept of transition across the tracts of Classical and Western Marxism. Rarely directly invoked, transition between different societies appears as an imminent social reality, and a useful conceptual tool for critical social theory.

Transitions as qualitative shifts between societies are often considered as eventual historical stages, or effaced altogether. Theorising transition in a new direction, Onur Acaroglu elaborates a theory of temporal dislocation. Considering transition through a framework of out-of-joint temporalities, the notion comes through as an undervalued tendency in social reproduction.

Tags: anticapitalism ....... Haymarket Books ....... Marxism ....... Onur Acaroglu ....... philosophy .......