Racism and Anti-Racism in Ireland

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    Editor(s): Robbie McVeigh, Ronit Lentin

    Publisher: Beyond the Pale

    Year: 2002

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 6

    ISBN: 9781900960168

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This book is about the fundamental injustice of racism and the dangers it represents for Irish society. It is the first collection of writings by activists and academics to take seriously international commitments to combat racism, expressed in the World Conference against Racism held in Durban, South Africa.

Despite the plethora of newspaper articles and radio and television programmes on new manifestations of racism in Irish society, there is no authoritative text that students and other interested parties can refer to in the Irish context. This book of fifteen chapters fills this theoretical and pedagogical gap.

The book situates racisms in Ireland, and makes sense of how and why Irish society has become racialised. More simply, it asks how is it possible that racism has become normalised in Ireland. In the process of normalising radicalisation, shocking things have been said in recent years about racialised minority groups, culminating in the killing of a Chinese student, Zhao Liu Tao, in Dublin in January 2002. These physical and verbal attacks have not usually come from organised fascist or racist movements like in other European countries, but have emerged from ‘ordinary’ members of the public, as well as journalists, politicians and writers. Moreover, there has been no shortage of people eager to defend the right to say such things.

Table of Contents

Situated racisms: a theoretical introduction. Robbie McVeigh and Ronit Lentin

Travellers in Ireland: an examination of discrimination and racism. John O’Connell

Identity and racism in Northern Ireland. Deepa Mann-Kler

One refugee experience. Drazen Nozinic

Racism and the media in Ireland: setting the anti-immigration agenda. Patrick Guerin

The new Irish storytelling: media, representations and racialised identities. Elisa Joy White

Generating awareness for the experiences of women of colour in Ireland. Shalini Sinha

The web of self-identity: racism, sexism and disablism. Rosaleen McDonagh

Nick, Nack, Paddywhack: anti-Irish racism and the racialisation of Irishness. Robbie McVeigh

‘Who ever heard of an Irish Jew’? The intersection of ‘Irishness’ and ‘Jewishness’. Ronit Lentin

Christianity, conversion and the tricky business of names: images of Jews and Blacks in nationalist Irish Catholic discourse. Katrina Goldstone

Othering the Irish (Travellers). Sinéad Ní Shúinéar

Questioning Irish anti-racism. Marian Tannam

Is there an Irish anti-racism? Building an anti-racist Ireland. Robbie McVeigh

Anti-racist responses to the racialisation of Irishness: disavowed multiculturalism and its discontents. Ronit Lentin

Book Details

Editor: Ronit Lentin
Editor: Robbie McVeigh
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1-900960-16-8
Publisher: Beyond the Pale
Year: 2002

Tags: Beyond the Pale ....... europe ....... ireland ....... migration ....... racism ....... Robbie McVeigh ....... Ronit Lentin .......