Postcards from the Promised Land: Olive Trees & Abu Ghneim becomes Har Homa

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    Artist(s): Freda Guttman

    Publisher: Freda Guttman



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Two sets of 8 'tourist' postcards' which fold and unfold. On the back is text which provides a context for the images. Each of theseis also available separately for $5.00; they are sold together for $8.00.

Abu Ghneim becomes Har Homa tells the story of how a green mountain, Abu Ghneim, with its precious ecosystem was stolen from the people of the Bethlehem municipality in order to build a settlement, called Har Homa. For many years Palestinians and their allies fought a non-violent battle of demonstrations and in the Israeli courts, to no avail. Har Homa was built and is now considered a part of Greater Jerusalem. This was a part of the Israeli master plan to enlarge Jerusalem, cutting off Palestinians from it, thereby preventing Jerusalem from becoming a shared capital of 2 states.

Olive Trees explores the singular importance of the olive tree in Palestinian life and culture. Over the years, the Israeli Army and extremist settlers have deliberately stolen, cut down, burned and destroyed the olive trees of Palestinian farmers, some of them hundreds of years old. This was done to destroy their culture, their livelihood and to make way for settlements and settler only roads, without compensation or regard for the lives of Palestinians. Over the years hundreds of thousands of olive trees have been destroyed or removed.

By well-known Canadian artist and longtime Montreal activist Freda Guttman.

Book Details

Format: Two strips of eight postcards
Publisher: LeftWingBooks

Tags: art ....... Freda Guttman ....... Palestine ....... settler colonialism .......