Partisan Universalism: Essays in Honour of Ato Sekyi-Otu

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    Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Sofia Noori (eds.)

    Publisher: Daraja Press

    Year: 2021

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 280 pages

    ISBN: 9781990263057

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This collection of essays celebrates the work of Ato Sekyi-Otu as a scholar, teacher and friend, marking his extraordinary contribution to the philosophy, politics and praxis of liberation. As Ato Sekyi-Otu has argued in his most recent book, Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays (Routlege 2019), universalism is an ‘inescapable presupposition of ethical judgment in general and critique in particular, especially indispensable for radical criticism of conditions of existence in postcolonial society and for vindicating visions of social regeneration’. Universalism must and can only be partisan. Edited by Gamal Abdel-Shehid and Sofia Noori, the collection includes essays by Stefan Kipfler, Patrick Taylor, Sophie Mcall, Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Jeremy M. Glick, Nigel C. Gibson, Jeff Noonan, Esteve Morera, Tyler Gasteiger, Olúfeṃ́i Táíẃò, Susan Dianne Brophy, Nergis Canefe, Chistoher Balcom, Lewis Gordon, and by Ato Sekyi-Otu himself.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Gamal Abdel-Shehid
  • Fanon for a post-imperial world: On universals and other human matters: Stefan Kipfer
  • The Sea Menagerie: Esi Edugyan’s Atlantic: Patrick Taylor
  • Reconsidering Fanon’s language of recognition in Indigenous studies: Sophie McCall
  • On Fanon and Lacan: Continuities and structural psychiatry: Gamal Abdel-Shehid
  • Aimé Césaire’s Two ways to lose yourself: The Exception and the rule: Jeremy M. Glick
  • This Africa to Come: Nigel C. Gibson
  • Speaking for, speaking through, speaking with: Abstract and concrete universality in the struggle for human emancipation: Jeff Noonan
  • Universality: Notes towards rethinking the history of philosophy: Esteve Morera
  • Husserl and Tran Duc Thao: Crisis, renewal, and the ontology of possibility: Tyler Gasteiger
  • Can Kwame Gyekye’s moderate communitarianism take the individual seriously? Olúfeṃ́i Taíẃò
  • ‘Innocuous Nihilism’, social reproduction and the terms of partisanship: Susan Dianne Brophy
  • Marxism, Law and the Global South: Asiatic Mode of Production Debates, The Legal Subject and the Promise of Left Universalism: Nergis Canefe
  • Universalism and immanent critique in ‘The End of Progress and Left Universalism’: Christopher Balcom
  • Afterword: Lewis Gordon
  • About the contributors

Tags: (anti-)psych ....... anti-imperialism ....... Daraja Press ....... Gamal Abdel-Shehid ....... marxism ....... mental health ....... Olúfeṃ́i Taíẃò ....... philosophy ....... Sofia Noori .......