Indigenous Resistance and Development in Winnipeg: 1960–2000

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    Shauna MacKinnon, Kathy Mallett (eds.)

    Publisher: ARP

    Year: 2023

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 221 pages

    ISBN: 9781927886724

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“The stories of struggle, creativity, and fierce dedication to building an Indigenous future in Winnipeg are gifts that honour this city’s collective past…”

Exploring the rich historical grounding of Indigenous peoples grassroots organizing developed through resistance and community work, Indigenous Resistance & Development in Winnipeg 1960-2000 traces Indigenous city development through the decades, encompassing generations of Indigenous community organizers. It is the first book that recounts Winnipeg history exclusively through the impactful development and resistance work of Indigenous people and organizations.

What People Are Saying

“By collecting together many of the key voices most immersed and involved in Indigenous resistance movements in Winnipeg from the 1960s to early 2000s, Shauna MacKinnon and Kathy Mallett have constructed an anthology that meticulously documents one of the most important periods in Canadian history — and in one of its most important places. The stories of struggle, creativity, and fierce dedication to building an Indigenous future in Winnipeg are gifts that honour this city’s collective past while colouring in the portrait of a dynamic city that has been at the forefront of colonialism, change, and reconciliation.” The Honourable Murray Sinclair (Former Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and Senator) and Niigaan James Sinclair (Professor at the University of Manitoba and Columnist, Winnipeg Free Press)

“This powerful and inspiring book pays tribute and honour to the incredible Indigenous women and leaders who have led change in the North End community. Through their trailblazing efforts, these women have shown us what true leadership 1neans, with focus on strengthening community, supporting children and families, and using their voices to create positive change. The power of storytelling brings the voices and legacies of these leaders to life, highlighting the collaborative efforts, activism, and wisdom that have shaped the North End and the not-for-profit organizations to bring meaningful support to the community today. Through their dedicated work, these women and leaders have brought Indigenous-led programming and support to children and families in Winnipeg, making a tremendous difference in the lives of so many. These powerful words allow for a deeper understanding of the history of Indigenous leadership, the true meaning of community work in the North End, and the ongoing importance of this legacy for future generations.” Dana Riccio Arabe, Executive Director at Blue Thunderbird Family Care

“These inspiring stories bring you on a journey of resistance and resilience, drawing attention to the inherent strength of the Indigenous community while illustrating the connection between Indigenous knowledge and ways of being to the healing of our children, families and communities. A wonderful representation of the importance of Indigenous voices and why Indigenous communities and leaders must lead in the development of policy and programming for Indigenous people.” Tammy Christensen, Executive Director, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

Table of Contents

Forward | Resistance and Development
Indigenous Organizations in Winnipeg
Nicole Lamy

Shauna MacKinnon and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 1 | Preserving the History of Aboriginal Institutional Development in Winnipeg

Research Driven by the Community
John Loxley and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 2 | Establishing and Indigenizing the Indian and Métis Friendship Centre
An Incubator for Indigenous Activism
Shauna MacKinnon and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 3 | Kinew and Payuk
Leadership in Urban Indigenous Housing
Lawrence Deane and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 4 | Indigenous Economic Development in Winnipeg
Lynne Fernandez and John Loxley

Chapter 5 | Indigenous Education and the Thunder Eagle Society
The Fight for Aboriginal Schools
Shauna MacKinnon and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 6 | The Indigenous Women’s Collective of Manitoba
DIBENIMISOWIN (We Own Ourselves)
Doris Young

Chapter 7 | Indigenous Resistance and Development in Child Welfare
The Story of Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
Shauna MacKinnon and Kathy Mallett

Chapter 8 | Women Working Together
The Native Women’s Transition Centre
Annetta Armstrong and Josie Hill

Chapter 9 | Two-Spirit Resistance and Resurgence in Winnipeg
The Native Women’s Transition Centre
Chantal Fiola and Albert McLeod

About the Editors

Dr. Shauna MacKinnon is Professor and Chair, Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies at the University of Winnipeg, situated at Merchants Corner in Winnipeg’s North End. Dr. Mackinnon has conducted numerous studies related to public policy, poverty and inequality, typically utilizing a collaborative, community-based research approach. She is author of Decolonizing Employment: Aboriginal Inclusion in the Labour Market and editor of Practising Community Based Participatory Research Stories: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization. Dr. MacKinnon has been involved with the Manitoba Research Alliance [MRA] since 2003. In 2020, the MRA was awarded a 7-year, $2.5 million Social Science Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant for the community driven “Solutions to Poverty: Challenges and Possibilities” project. She succeeded her friend and mentor, Dr. John Loxley, as the Principal Investigator of the MRA after his passing in 2020. In addition to her aca- demic work, MacKinnon is actively engaged in community-led social justice initiatives and political advocacy. She maintains a website focused on teaching at Merchants Corner at

Kathy Mallett is a member of the Fisher River Cree Nation and was born and raised in Winnipeg. Kathy attended schools in the inner city of Winnipeg. She has a history degree from the University of Winnipeg. She has been involved in the Aboriginal community for well over 40 years. Her involved in various issues dealing with education, housing, violence against women, child welfare, international development, community, and economic development. Currently, Kathy is on the board of Reconciliation Thunder and a community member on the Manitoba Research Alliance. Kathy’s first community recognition came when she received in 1985 YWCA Woman of the Year in Community Service. She also received in 2011 the Order of Manitoba [O.M], and in the same year was inducted in Kanikanichihk’s 12the Annual “Keeping the Fires Burning.” Lastly, in 2015 Kathy was recognized by the Errol Black Chair in Labour Issues from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Manitoba office.

Tags: activism ....... ARP ....... canada ....... history ....... indigenous ....... Kathy Mallett ....... Shauna MacKinnon .......