I Cried, You Didn't Listen: A Survivor's Exposé of the California Youth Authority

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    Dwight Edgar Abbott

    Publisher: AK Press

    Year: 2006

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 180 pages

    ISBN: 9781904859543

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"The author's well-written story comes at the reader fast and furiouslyshocking readers into an awareness of the inhumanity of America's juvenile penal institutions."-Publishers Weekly

At age nine, a family tragedy forced Dwight Abbott into the California Youth Authority. This is the chilling chronicle of his life behind barsa story of brutality and survival, a dark journey showing how the systematic abuse of incarcerated children creates a cycle of criminal behavior that usually ends with prison or death.

Dwight Edgar Abbott, in and out of prison since childhood, is serving multiple life sentences in Salinas Valley State Prison.

Tags: AK Press ....... biography ....... children and youth ....... Dwight Edgar Abbott ....... memoir ....... Prisoners & Prisons .......