Hope Deferred: Narratives of Zimbabwean Lives

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    Peter Orner, Annie Holmes (eds.)

    Publisher: Haymarket Books

    Year: 2022

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 304 pages

    ISBN: 9781642595437

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Hope Deferred might be the most important publication to have come out of Zimbabwe in the past thirty years.” Alexandra Fuller, Harper’s Magazine

Hope Deferred asks the question: How did Zimbabwe, a country with so much promise—a stellar education system, a growing middle class, a sophisticated economic infrastructure, a liberal constitution, and an independent judiciary—come so close to collapse? In their own words, Zimbabweans tell their stories of losing their homes, land, livelihoods, and families as a direct result of political violence. They describe being tortured in detention, firebombed at work, or beaten up or raped to “punish” votes for the opposition. Those forced to flee to neighboring countries recount their escapes: cutting through fences, swimming across crocodile-infested rivers, and entrusting themselves to human smugglers. This book includes. Zimbabweans of every age, class, and political conviction—from farm laborers and academics to doctors and artists—ordinary people surviving the fragmentation of a once-thriving nation.

Tags: africa ....... Annie Holmes ....... anti-imperialism ....... Brian Chikwava ....... Haymarket Books ....... migration ....... Peter Orner .......

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