Going Against the Tide #2 (Fall 2024): A journal charting a path for communist revolution in the US

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    Going Against the Tide

    Publisher: Going Against the Tide

    Year: 2024

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 218 pages


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GATT writes about #2: Introducing our pamphlets series, addressing the so-called migrant crisis, conspiracy theories, and healthcare under capitalism, and featuring a manual on the art of propaganda, revolutionary songs, and part 2 of “With a few exceptions, colonialism is over” by Kenny Lake.

The journal can be contacted at: goingagainstthetide AT proton.me

Check out the journal's website at: https://goingagainstthetide.org/

Table of Contents

Introducing our pamphlet series

Proletarian identity crisis:
Blame the migrants or blame the bourgeoisie?
GATT pamphlet series

Conspiracy theories cloud the enemy class
GATT pamphlet series

How the bourgeoisie keeps us sick
GATT pamphlet series

Deepening proletarian class-consciousness and addressing the key questions: a manual on propaganda
Organization of Communist Revolutionaries 

How long?
a revolutionary song 

The November deception
a revolutionary song

Self-righteous woke capitulation or revolutionary resolve?
GATT editorial

With a few exceptions, colonialism is over: postmodernist idiocy, neodevelopmentalist  fantasy, and the past and present of capitalism-imperialism
Kenny Lake

Part 2: Capitalism keeps on rockin’ in the free world (1945–1975)

Tags: anticapitalism ....... colonialism ....... Going Against the Tide ....... Kenny Lake ....... maoism & marxism-leninism ....... marxism ....... OCR ....... organization .......