A unique edited collection of new papers by a group of internationally reowned political economists. They evaluate the failures of neo-conservative economic policies around the globe, and explore the alternative budgeting movement as an approach to economic policy making that seeks to replace the prevailing orthodoxy with a democratic alternative. Rigorous in its formulations, accessible in its style, and provocative in its approach, this book is a timely and important anthology of essays.
About the Editors
Haroon Akram-Lodhi taught rural economics and rural economic methadology at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands. His principal research interest is on the gendered political economy of agrarian change in Asia, with special references to Pakistan, Vitenam, and Fiji. His work in this area has been published in numerous journals and books. He completed his PhD under John Loxley, whom he has known for over 20 years.
Robert Chernomas is a Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba with research and political interests in health economics, the social determinants of health and macroeconomics. Ian Hudson is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, currently researching in the areas of political economy and ethical consumption.