Écrits politiques de Dhoruba Bin Wahad (en français, anglais, et allemand)

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    Dhoruba Bin Wahad

    Publisher: Terrasses éditions

    Year: 2021

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 390 pages

    ISBN: 9782490887040

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When you look for him in the whirlwind, he’s already gone

(see below for English description)

Postfacé par Jann Marc Rouillan

Avec ce recueil d’écrits politiques, traduits et présentés par les Editions Terrasses, les écrits de Dhoruba Bin Wahad sont enfin disponibles en langue française. Il ouvre la porte aux voix toujours présentes aux USA et dans le monde faisant le lien direct avec les organisateurs du Black Panther Party pensant la lutte contre le fascisme à partir des besoins du peuple, avec les militant.e.s clandestin.e.s de la Black Liberation Army résistant à la violence d’état raciste et libérant Assata Shakur, avec les prisonniers politiques en lutte dans les geôles du complexe militaro-industriel, avec les militant.e.s anti-impérialistes continuant de penser la solidarité internationale concrète avec la Palestine anticoloniale et libre et les pays en lutte contre l’hégémonie impérialiste. Ces textes de Dhoruba Bin Wahad, écrits tout au long des dernières décennies, connectent ces luttes et les analysent en faisant toujours l’effort de les lire à l’aune des réalités matérielles des populations Noires aux Etats-Unis, de la population carcérale, du peuple palestinien et des autres peuples africains du début des années 1970 à aujourd’hui. D’Assata Shakur à Georges Floyd, du rap et de la révolte à la réalité du « nouvel âge de l’impérialisme », ce recueil prouve que ces luttes souvent saisies d’un point de vue seulement historique, n’ont jamais cessées et constituent la base des luttes actuelles qu’il faut mener contre toutes formes d’oppression. Ils sont également accompagnés d’une interview conduite par Greg Thomas, essentielle pour comprendre la pensée et les engagements de Dhoruba Bin Wahad.

Touts les textes dans ce livre ont été inclus en anglais, français, et allemand.


This collection, translated and published by Terrasses éditions, finally makes the writings of Dhoruba Bin Wahad available in English, French, and German. Included in this book:(in all three languages):

  • On the murder of George Floyd
  • Toward Rethinking Self-Defense in a Racist Culture
  • On Racism, Rap and Rebellion
  • Assata Shakur, excluding the nightmare after the dream
  • New Age Imperialism
  • PROUD/FLESH interviews Dhoruba Bin Wahad
  • Postscript by Jann-Marc Rouillan

Dhoruba Bin Wahad (biography from Let Freedom Ring):

Dhoruba Bin-Wahad was born in the South Bronx in 1944. He joined the Black Panther Party in New York City in 1968 and organized chapters along the Eastern Seaboard while working with tenants in Harlem and on drug rehabilitation in the Bronx. He was arrested in 1969 as part of the New York Panther 21 conspiracy case (charged with conspiring to blow up department stores, subway stations, and police stations). While free on bail, and after receiving numerous death threats, Dhoruba fled to Algeria, but returned to New York in May 1971 following the full acquittal of all Panther 21 defendants. A month later, he was indicted for the shootings of two cops guarding the district attorney’s home and the shooting deaths of two cops in a Harlem housing project. He maintained his innocence. The first trial ended in a hung jury. Following a second mistrial in 1973, he was convicted and sentenced to 25 years to life. Dhoruba appealed his conviction and over years of struggle forced the FBI to release thousands of classified documents proving that he had been framed as part of a massive COINTELPRO operation. This finally forced a New York State judge to overturn his conviction in 1990, leading to his release after 19 years of false imprisonment—seven of those years in solitary confinement. The state prosecutors appealed but ultimately lost. Dhoruba later sued the state and in 2000 won a large settlement on the eve of the trial.

For several years, Dhoruba has lived in Ghana, where he has run a nongovernmental organization (ngo) that coordinated expatriate expertise to evaluate policies from a grassroots Pan-African perspective and also edited an e-newsletter, African Chronicles. He has worked with scores of civil war refugees in West Africa seeking asylum in the United States and elsewhere. On several occasions, Dhoruba has appeared before the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the U.N. Decolonization Committee as an NGO representative. He has participated in and organized several international forums and tribunals on political prisoners and human rights violations in the United States. He has also acted as an unpaid consultant to various grassroots Civil Rights campaigns in the U.S.

Dhoruba’s writings have appeared in numerous publications from Covert Action Information Bulletin to various anthologies of African-American activist writers. His work has been published in The Black Scholar and various African and Middle-Eastern journals. He continues to write for various Black publications. He collaborated with Mumia Abu‑Jamal and Assata Shakur on the book Still Black, Still Strong (Semiotext(e), 1993; now distributed by AK Press). Dhoruba’s experiences were featured in two award-winning film documentaries Framing the Panthers in Black & White and Passin’ It On. As a contributing correspondent from Africa to Pacifica Radio station WBAI’s Afrikaleidoscope program (hosted by Elombe Brath), Dhoruba has provided timely insight into current affairs on the African continent from the point of view of a Pan-African. Dhoruba currently lives in the U.S. and West Africa.

Book Details

Author: Dhoruba Bin Wahad
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782490887040
Size: 390 pages
Publisher: Terrasses éditions
Year: 2021

Tags: Black Liberation ....... Dhoruba Bin Wahad ....... Français ....... political prisoners ....... Postfacé par Jann Marc Rouillan ....... Terrasses éditions .......

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