Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of Afro-American Communist

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  • Regular price $35.00
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    Harry Haywood

    Publisher: Midnight Books


    Format: Paperback

    Size: 4


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The Biography of Iconic Communist Organizer, Harry Haywood. Follow Harry's radicalization, his joining of the Communist Party, studying the teachings of Lenin in the Soviet Union, organizing mine workers in the Appalachian Mountains, organizing strikes across the United States, fighting in the Spanish civil war and World War 2 and his split with the CPUSA. An unbelievable life from an unbelievable man! With various lessons to be learned.

Tags: actually existing socialism ....... anticapitalism ....... armed struggle ....... biography ....... Black Liberation ....... Harry Haywood ....... history ....... labor ....... maoism & marxism-leninism ....... marxism ....... memoir ....... Midnight Books ....... spain ....... spanish revolution .......

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