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With the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair collective deciding to not organize an event this year, some others have come together to create a calendar that will list anarchist events happening on the May 24-26 week, in the hopes of self-organization leading to a similar anarcho-festive spirit for those of us who look forward to the annual gathering. There will be one day of tabling, where distros, collective, publishers (including us!) will all be in the usual bookfair locations of CEDA (2515 rue Delisle) and CCGV (2450 rue Workman)—both of which are in Parc Vinet in Little Burgundy—with lots of reading material...


event, montreal -

We're excited to back at the Montreal Punk Rock Flea Market again at the end of April! Here's the details from the Facebook event: FREE / GRATUITSunday, April 2811AM — 6PM Foufounes Électriques(85 St-Catherine E.) Get ready for the return of the almighty LOSER JAMBOREE – A MONTREAL PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET brought to you by the legendary Foufounes Électriques & Broke & Stoked/Loser Jamboree DRINKS! LAUGHS! STUFF! DUMB JOKES! COFFEE! AWESOME MUSIC! OUR FAVORITE PEOPLE! ***************************** Préparez-vous pour le retour du tout puissant LOSER JAMBOREE, un MARCHÉ AUX PUCES PUNK ROCK présentez par les légendaires Foufounes Électrques et Broke...


event, montreal -

Left-Wing Book Sale! Saturday, April 2711am—5pmBrique par Brique (633 Beaumont, metro Parc or Acadie) Free Entry! Everyone Welcome! Accessibility: Step-free entrance Come browse some fine radical literature from, Metonymy Press, Éditions de la rue Dorion, and many other local radical left publishers and projects! queer, feminist, anti-colonial...anti-imperialist, marxist, anarchist...fiction, history, theory... Something for everyone! facebook event *** samedi le 27 avril11h–17hBrique par Brique (633 Beaumont, metro Parc ou Acadie) Entrée gratuite! Bienvenue à toustes!Accesibilité: entrée sans marches Venez découvrir la littérature radicale de, Éditions de la rue Dorion, Metonymy Press, ainsi que plusieurs autres projets et éditeurs de...


ecology, event, montreal -

Kersplebedeb is excited to be tabling at next Saturday’s Teach-in Against the COP15 in Montreal. If you’re around come check it out! [English below.] Teach-in contre la COP15 samedi le 26 Novembre dès midi à l’université McGill (3480 McTavish) Le sommet international de la COP15 arrive à grands pas. Pour affuter nos luttes et bien préparer notre résitance à ce sommet, la Coalition anticapitaliste et écologiste contre la COP15 vous invite à un teach-in. Au menu, on vous propose une série d’ateliers, dont sécurité en manifestation, sécurité informatique, autodéfense juridique, pourquoi s’opposer à la COP15, entre autres! Ce teach-in est...


event, montreal -

There are two events in Montreal's NDG neighbourhood—Parc Girouard to be specific!—on September 10th, and even if Kersplebedeb weren't tabling at both of them (which we are!) we'd be encouraging you to go. Noon to 10pm - Festival Defund la Police Defund la Police Festival is an event dedicated to defunding the police, reinvesting in communities, and a creating safer city for everyone. The festival will include a series of talks and workshops on various aspects of community based safety, music and art, food and games, and many opportunities to make new friends and get more involved in the...
