The Red Indians: An Episodic, Informal Collection of Tales from the History of Aboriginal People's Struggles in Canada

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    Peter Keith Kulchyski

    Publisher: ARP

    Year: 2007

    Format: Paperback

    Size: 151 pages

    ISBN: 9781894037259

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The Red Indians is a theoretically nuanced, frank, and accessible book about Aboriginal resistance in Canada, historical and contemporary. In the manner of Eduardo Galeano’s famous trilogy Memories of Fire, the book uncovers a critical, living history of conflict. The Red Indians, with its polyvalent title that points to the many issues covered in the text, introduces readers to the history of colonial oppression in Canada, and looks at contemporary examples of resistance. Kulchyski clarifies the unique and specific politics of Aboriginal resistance in Canada.

Tags: ARP ....... canada ....... history ....... indigenous ....... Peter Keith Kulchyski ....... settler colonialism .......