Night-Vision: Illuminating War and Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain

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    Butch Lee, Red Rover

    Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing

    Year: 2017

    Format: paperback

    Size: 264 pages

    ISBN: 9781894946889

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A foundational analysis of post-modern capitalism, the decline of u.s. hegemony, and the need for a revolutionary movement of the oppressed to overthrow it all.

From Night-Vision: "The transformation to a neo-colonial world has only begun, but it promises to be as drastic, as disorienting a change as was the original european colonial conquest of the human race. Capitalism is again ripping apart & restructuring the world, and nothing will be the same. Not race, not nation, not gender, and certainly not whatever culture you used to have. Now you have outcast groups as diverse as the Aryan Nation and the Queer Nation and the Hip Hop Nation publicly rejecting the right of the u.s. government to rule them. All the building blocks of human culture—race, gender, nation, and especially class—are being transformed under great pressure to embody the spirit of this neo-colonial age."

Many thanks to all those who worked on transcribing the previous edition of Night-Vision, thereby making this second edition possible. Work is proceeding on new material for the third edition, which will hopefully be complete by 2018; in the meantime this edition is being maintained in circulation by small batch print runs. To be clear, while this second edition is different from the "classic" edition, it is not significantly so. There will be a new edition with substantial additions, but not before late this year or even 2018. In the meantime, this 2nd edition is being released via print on demand, the changes are that some passages have been edited out, and two chapters were switched in position.

What People Are Saying

“A book that should be read by anyone who gives a damn about a non-racist, non-sexist, non-homoophobic future.”
— Bo Brown (rita d. brown), former political prisoner

“Confronted with a world that is disintegrating daily under patriarchy, women need a book like this which begins to challenge us to build a really communal way of life.” — Liz Fink, Attica prison rebellion lawyer

“This book gives new insight into the powerful forces of neo-colonialism, a reality of today’s world that is worldwide in scope. Neo-colonialism is revealed as hard to fight for it has found a way to scramble relationships, making it difficult to clearly know one’s enemy. This book also binds together sex, race, and class in a new form, a form which helps one grasp the interlocking nature of these oppressions. Night-Vision is well worth reading and studying.” — Emeritus Professor of Feminist Philosophy, St. John’s University, Mary Buckley

"Night-Vision was so compelling to me because it has a spirit of militancy which reformist feminism tries to kill because militant feminism is seen as a threat to the liberal bourgeois feminism that just wants to be equal with men. It has that raw, unmediated truth-telling which I think we are going to need in order to deal with the fascism that’s upon us" -- bell hooks (to read complete interview click here)

Book Details

Author: Butch Lee
Author: Red Rover
Format: paperback
ISBN: 978-1-894946-88-9
Size: 264 pages
Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing
Year: 2017

Tags: anti-imperialism ....... anti-war ....... anticapitalism ....... Butch Lee ....... feminism ....... Kersplebedeb Favorites ....... Kersplebedeb Publishing ....... maoism & marxism-leninism ....... marxism ....... Red Rover .......

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